Dozen Roses: Simple Wrapped Bouquet


A classic gift, the romantic dozen roses, wrapped in Paper for a romantic, more casual presentation.

As always there may slight variations on floral selection depending on market price and availability. 

Don't worry, we will text you a photo of the arrangement once it has been delivered and we guarantee you'll be blown away.

Please check our delivery policies before ordering.

Would you like to add a specialty card to your order? Click here.

Would you like to add a chocolate? Click here.

Message For Flower Recipient (written on card)

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*Messages are written on Native Flower Stationary
Native Flower Company

Dozen Roses: Simple Wrapped Bouquet


A classic gift, the romantic dozen roses, wrapped in Paper for a romantic, more casual presentation.

As always there may slight variations on floral selection depending on market price and availability. 

Don't worry, we will text you a photo of the arrangement once it has been delivered and we guarantee you'll be blown away.

Please check our delivery policies before ordering.

Would you like to add a specialty card to your order? Click here.

Would you like to add a chocolate? Click here.


  • Wrapped in Paper
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